<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Absorbs 9 HP from a target when one makes a critical attack. |
Item type Sword |
Physical attack 169 |
Magical attack 76 |
Shield defence rate 0% |
Attack Spread ±10% |
Attack speed 325 |
Basic criticality 8 |
Consumption SS 3 |
Consumption SpS/BSpS 3 |
Item grade No Grade |
Weight 1,980 |
Base price 3,304,300 |
Does the item stack up? No |
Can item be drop? Yes |
Can item be sold? Yes |
Can item be trade? Yes |
Can item be deleted? Yes |
Can item be put in a personal warehouse? Yes |
Can item be put in the clan warehouse? Yes |
Can item be transferred within the account? No |
+ | + | = |
Pa'agrian Sword Focus | |
Pa'agrian Sword Health |